Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve

So I was going to wax poetic about something meaningful today, can't remember what, but I threw my back out five minutes before I left for work.  This has never happened to me before, and I can honestly say I don't care for it.  I can't walk.  I can't sit.  I just tried to answer the phone and it hurt and I knocked over my Mt Dew and spilled it all over myself.  So today is a total bust. 

Last night was my mammy's retirement party.  She's worked at the Health Department for thirty one years, and been a nurse for forty.  What a strange feeling that must be, to no longer have a job.  To just not go to work any more.  I think everyone had a good time.  There were coworkers, friends and family, women that she went to nursing school with, (some four decades ago), old school friends.  They had a slide show of my mom from her early nursing days to present, which was fun to watch.  Man alive, she has made some questionable hair and fashion choices over the years.  Several coworkers told stories (none of them flattering, chief among them my mom's refusal to give an enema.  In forty years, she's never given an enema.  Who knew??) and she received a mantle clock, which had an inscribed plaque on the back.
That's my mammy, on the left

I made a big mistake yesterday.  Frankie loves to play fetch with my hair ties and I'll throw them all over the room, he chases after them and brings them back to me.  Yesterday I tried to throw it on the back of the couch, but I threw it right in between Fatty and the wall.   Frank ran over and tried to get his hair tie and Fatty swatted at him.  He tried to sneak his hand in to get it, Fatty swatted him.  Poor Frank tried and tried to get his hair tie but Fatty wasn't having it.  So, in the end, Frankie gave up and they both took a nap. 
Look who was in my tree this morning!  I love cardinals.  Mrs Cardinal was in the tree, too, but I couldn't get a picture of her, though.  She was a lot harder to see.
Baby Frank has found his bed and he think's it's A-OK!


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