Saturday, August 22, 2015


My shadow box is coming along nicely.  There are some twenties in there!!

I am so proud of myself.  Today we hiked TWICE.  Like, in a row. We made one trip to the end and turned around and did it again.  That's four miles of difficult terrain.  It's the best I've ever done and I am still feeling it.  By the time we got back to the car, my legs were done.  Stick a fork in 'em cause they are done. 

I'm trying so so very hard to get in shape for Great Britain.  I know, I know.  I need to do it for my health *sigh*, but honestly it's for England.  And the cute clothes.  We're riding Clydesdales when we get there and I really do not want to have to strap two of the things together to be able to ride:)  So I'm saving all I can and I'm busting my butt to get in shape.  Come hell or high water, I am going to Great Britain and I am going to ride a Clydesdale. 


  1. You go girl. There is a Clydsdale in England with your name on it. I just know it.
