Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The haps

Things are finally looking up around here.  My back is better, the cold is gone, mom and dad are over the flu, mom's surgery is over.  We're finally getting back to normal.  I'm still having a hard time getting into a routine, with the new schedule.  I can't quite figure out when to take a shower, eat, give Fats his shots. 

Getting up at four o'clock has not been as bad as I had feared.  It's not pleasant, by any means, but it's not that bad.  I was worried I wouldn't be able to go to bed early, but, when you get up super early it's easy to go to bed. I do really  well untill about seven o'clock and then I hit a wall. I get soooo sleepy but then I perk up about nine. First shift is good for dead bodies, and so far I've only had one.  No fights or domestics. It's awesome.

Big Diabeeto is back on his insulin.  We made it over two months without shots.  His sugar would run about 120-130.  I checked it Sunday and it was 400.  Sigh.  So we're back on the shots.  He doesn't mind, though.  Such a good boy. 

Baby Frank ate a hair tie the other day.  He seemed fine for several days, eating and pooping, but yesterday he stopped eating.  No poops.  I could tell he didn't feel well.  Cats eat rubber bands all the time, for some reason, so I googled it and it said to try mineral oil first.  So that's what we did.  He did not care for it.  Not one little bit.  He didn't eat dinner.  This morning, no poops and no breakfast.  So to the doctor he goes.  Poor stupid idiot:(
This is the room with the litter box.  He never just hangs out in here. 
He just sat on the couch like this for hours.  Just sat there, looking sad. 
Trying to pull over my smart TV.  The only nice thing I have...


  1. They are little shits! You might need to get that tv on the wall before they do pull it over.
