Monday, January 5, 2015

Bath Cape

I received a few bath sheets for Christmas this year, which reminded me of the bath sheet I got a few years ago from my cousin.  We had had a progressive give exchange and that's what I ended up with.  She comes up to me after I opened it and said "You are going to LOVE that.  It's huge.  You could wrap it around your body three times!"  I thought that was pretty cool.  Never had a big towel before.  So that night I take a shower and get out my new towel and------the thing fit like a cape.  I wrapped it around under my arms, around my chest and it fanned out from there.  Leaving all of my unmentionables completely exposed.  So much for wrapping it around three times.  It felt, like I always do, when I'm folding clothes and I reach for what I think is a t-shirt but it's a pair of underwear.  Sobering.  Very sobering. I told my mom and my brother the cape story and they nearly herniated themselves from laughing so hard.  I guess it is a funny visual.  If I had a point to this story I don't remember what it was.  It's early. 


  1. I feel bad laughing, Mary Margaret, but when something is funny, its just funny.
