Friday, June 26, 2015


It's officially summer here.  The kids are out of school and it's hot.  I've been perusing many a-blog from people I don't know who are touting the awesomeness of summer.  Swimming!  Camping!  DISNEYLAND!!!!!  I really don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but I hate summer.  I hate everything about it.

I hate being hot.  The sun is not my friend.  Everyone stinks. Everyone is cranky.  Kids are bored so they throw rocks through windows and generally act like little shits.  My car has leather seats and I swear they sear my butt skin every time I get in.  My butt and lower back are about a medium rare by the time I get to work.  It is so humid in my neck of the woods that the windows of my house fog up and I can't see outside.

I only look decent for about a minute and  a half before my makeup melts off and I get sweaty and red faced.  People run around half naked and, 90% of the time, they're people you don't want to see half naked.  The only good thing about summer is air conditioning.

Bring on fall, and please hurry.  "Sweater weather is better weather."  That's my motto.  Fall clothes are cuter and the weather is awesome.  Sunny, with a nip in the air.  The trees are beautiful, all orangey and purpley.  I love love love decorating my yard with pumpkins and mums.  I'll get a little chilly outside so I'll have to go in and have a nice cup of hot chocolate and curl up with blankie and my boys. It's the best. 

Summer can go go hell.  


  1. Negative Nancy is here to stay....inside.

  2. I prefer the fall, too!!! However, I know what is around the corner!!! ugh!
