Monday, June 1, 2015


I hate exercise.  It's hard.  It's hot out.  I stink.  But I do it anyway.  The other day mom and I went for a walk, in town, and I happened to look down at the sidewalk where someone had dropped at least a half dozen Hershey's Kisses.  I'll be honest.  For a split second I actually thought about eating dirty candy of unknown origins.  The next block there was a pizza wrapper.  Next block--candy bar wrappers.  Someone was mocking me.  Teasing me with all the things I can't have and desperately want.  It's not cool.  It's also not cool to be a litterbug. 

There is a house near where we hike with a bunch of sheep.  The last time we drove by they had a bunch of little bitty baby lambs.  They're adorable, tiny little things.  I used to try to shove kittens up my shirt and sneak them home.  I'm tempted to do the same with the little lambs.

We got lucky, in planning our trip to South Dakota.  Our dates coincide with their annual Buffalo Roundup.  They have  bunch of cowboys round up all the buffalo in Custer State Park.  Then the wildlife people check the herd, weigh them, give them their shots and whatnot.  That's something I've never seen.  It's the fiftieth anniversary of the round up this year, so there is a big festival with chili  cook-offs and everything.   It promises to be a good time.

When we go to Great Britain next year, we're planning on riding some horses.  Riding horses through the idyllic English countryside.  Can you imagine???  Well, we've chosen Cumbrian Heavy Horses, based out of the Lake District.  They ride Clydesdales and Shires.  I LOVE Clydesdales.  I'm already about to have a self induced stroke because I'm not the tiniest person.  There are weight limits on horses, even Clydesdales.  The other night I had a dream that my mom and brother and I were all going to ride horses.  It was so hot that day but I had to stay in the car because I was way too fat to ride a horse.  It was thoroughly unpleasant.  I wonder where that one came from?


  1. Oh Mary Margaret, let me just say this about that. I have learned, through unspoken experience, to never throw left over cookies/donuts/cake in the trash can. That's all I have to say about that. Don't judge me.

    1. Well, technically, I guess it's not actually "in" the trash if it's lying on top.

  2. I want to live your life.....all those grand nice you two can take them together!!! I'm super jealous!!! lol!!!!!! Have fun!!!! :)
