Friday, June 19, 2015


I've been a little under the weather lately, but I'm sure I'll be back in the pink in no time.  Or dead.  I really don't care which.  The critters have been taking good care of me, though.

I helped the little neighbor dog yesterday.  He's some sort of little yappy Chihuahua something or other.  He was staked out in the front yard and started chasing some birds that he found in a bush.  Naturally, he got his cable all tangled up in the branches.  I went over and freed him and got a handful of dog crap for my troubles. 

Check out my artsy fartsy picture.  Mom and I went to Effingham shoe shopping ($150 for Asics--ON SALE!!) and there was a torrential downpour.  Some of the hardest rain I've ever been in.  It cleared just as we crossed the county line.  There were big fluffy clouds and a bright blue sky ahead of us and dark gray maybe-we're-going-to-die clouds behind us. 

About a week ago I went to my parents for lunch and saw a little bitty baby birdie under a tree.  Poor feller didn't even have feathers yet, just pink and fuzzy.  Ugly as sin.  So we found the nest and got a step stool and put him back in.  I felt bad.  He'd been in the sun for some time and he was hot.  I put him back in the nest almost right on top of his sibling, but I could barely reach and that was as good as I could do.  I honestly didn't think he'd make it.  Well, the next day we checked on Birdie and there were FOUR babies in the nest.  A couple of days later all the babies had flown the coop.  They still couldn't fly well, but they at least looked like birds.  I hope Birdie makes it.

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