Friday, March 27, 2015


I'm not on Facebook.  I don't Tweet.  As a result, I am woefully behind on the goings on around the nation.  The other day I came across a human interest piece (a few days late) and it really struck a chord with me.  It's about Odin, a thirteen year old boy from I-forget-where, who was the recipient of one of the worst cases of douche baggery I've ever seen.  Odin, who has Asperger's, sent out an invite to all of his classmates for his thirteenth birthday.  Not one classmate RSVP'd.  No one was coming to his birthday party.  His mom posted something on Facebook asking people to text or call Odin on his birthday, to make him feel special.  Social media to the rescue---it went viral.  People from all over the country Tweeted or Facebooked (I know that's not correct, but I don't know what else to call it) Odin to wish him a happy birthday.  They called, texted.  One sweet girl made him a birthday cake.  Hundreds of well wishers showed up for his party, being held at a local bowling alley.

Those parents had a wonderful opportunity to teach their children about compassion and understanding for those who are different.  Those who are handicapped or, for whatever reason, outside the norm.  They had an opportunity to teach their children that we have an obligation to look after those who may need our help.  Why did the parents not tell their children that Odin is just like every other boy?  He has likes and dislikes.  He has hobbies, activities in which he excels.  He is just a boy who wanted his friends to come to his birthday party. 

Instead, the parents taught their children that Odin was not worth their time.  Odin, because of his autism, is different.  And because he's different, Odin doesn't matter.  It's okay to overlook the Odin's of the world, because they are not like you and I.  That's what the parents taught their kids that day.  Thankfully, not everyone is like that.  The outpouring of support for Odin and his mother was overwhelming.  I'm not sure how much of it Odin understood, but I'm sure it meant the world to his mom.  She simply wanted her boy to have a party for his birthday.  And he got one.  Here is the link if anyone is interested:

Happy Birthday, Odin.


  1. I read this when you posted it but forgot to go back and comment. This is just so sad that people are like this! So sad! Great post! Thanks for sharing this
