Saturday, December 20, 2014


Big Diabeto had to go to the vet today. He's lost a lot of fur on his back. It looks just like it did when his blood sugar was over 600. I check him every Sunday and his sugar has been about 130, with no insulin. He's in remission now and hasn't had any shots for over a month (cats can do that which is one of the reasons why cats are so awesome).  I was worried something else was going on, or that my glucometer was broken. The vet got a reading of 114, which is great. She found what looked like flea dirt. She never found any fleas, but thinks he was probably bitten and had an allergic reaction. He can't have any steroids, on account of his diabetes, so he just got a massive dose of flea medicine. Frankie got some, too. Hopefully that fixes it.  I'm glad his sugar is stable. He weighed eighteen pounds, which is really good. When he was first diagnosed, they told me to me to keep him around eighteen pounds. That is waaaaay above average but he's just a huge cat. He's not even fat. (He used to weigh upwards of 25 pounds. Then he was fat.) it was a good visit. Hopefully we'll get rid of those fleas, because they're super gross. They give me the willies. 

Here he is, relaxing in front of the fake fireplace after a stressful visit to the vet. 

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