Friday, August 28, 2015


Mammy and I are doing really well on our hikes.  I can tell we're getting stronger and faster.  We still suck, for the most part, but we're getting there.  Our Keens are one of the main reasons we're doing so well.  I love my Keens.  Those poor boots have a LOT of miles on them.  I've slopped around in mud, snow, rain and they still feel like new. 

The hiking trails at Sam Dale are just cleared out paths through the woods.  There are tree roots, branches, and rocks everywhere.  If not for my beloved Keens, we'd never be able to do it.  No way could you hike through there in tennis shoes. 

We got ours from LL Bean.  Get some Keens. For reals, yo. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


My parents' fortieth anniversary is in January.  To celebrate, they decided to take an Alaskan cruise.  It won't be until May because, unsurprisingly, there aren't any cruises to Alaska in the dead of winter as it would be a bit nippy.  I was super jealous and asked if I could go.  "No.  It's not your anniversary."  "Don't they have a family pass or something."  "No."  "Well, what if you die before May?  Can I have your ticket?"  "No."  Well, I guess I stuck out the bottom lip and gave them the puppy dog eyes enough that they decided to check into how much a ticket for me would cost.  Parents are so ridiculous. 

They stopped by the travel agency and asked.  The travel agent called the cruise line and asked and, miracle of all miracles, during the month of August they were running a special and the third passenger sails free.  For FREE.  (Technically $250 because of taxes.  Always have to pay the taxes.)

Next May, I am going to Alaska!!!  I never never in a million years ever thought that I'd get to see Alaska.  We don't have a fancy room.  I think ours is actually down in the bilge next to the boiler room but, whatever, I'm on an Alaskan cruise.

We're sailing on Norwegian Cruise Line and we'll be on the Norwegian Pearl.  I am so excited I might poop.

Saturday, August 22, 2015


My shadow box is coming along nicely.  There are some twenties in there!!

I am so proud of myself.  Today we hiked TWICE.  Like, in a row. We made one trip to the end and turned around and did it again.  That's four miles of difficult terrain.  It's the best I've ever done and I am still feeling it.  By the time we got back to the car, my legs were done.  Stick a fork in 'em cause they are done. 

I'm trying so so very hard to get in shape for Great Britain.  I know, I know.  I need to do it for my health *sigh*, but honestly it's for England.  And the cute clothes.  We're riding Clydesdales when we get there and I really do not want to have to strap two of the things together to be able to ride:)  So I'm saving all I can and I'm busting my butt to get in shape.  Come hell or high water, I am going to Great Britain and I am going to ride a Clydesdale. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


My uncle was recently cleaning out an Oddfellows Lodge and they had a piano they were giving away.  I played for several years when I was young, so he gave it to me.  It's really nice.  Much nicer than I was anticipating.

I was actually pretty good, but it's been so long that I've forgotten everything I'd learned.  I hope it comes back fairly easily.  I have two books, one on techniques and another with classical pieces for adult beginners.  I like them both.  They're for adults, not children.  There are pieces by Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Handel amongst others.  They're just dumbed down versions with ninety percent of the notes removed.  Still, I'd rather relearn with "Turca Alla Rondo" rather than "Mr Turtle Goes Slow."  I'm not six anymore. 

My Grandma's favorite song is "Goodbye World Goodbye".  It's sort of a ragtimey gospel song.  My piano teacher played it once at a recital and I was just awestruck.  It was the most impressive thing I'd ever seen.  I'm going to try to learn it and play it for my Grandma, but she's ninety two, for crying out loud.  Time's a factor. 

When I was little, my mom used to make me play for the old people at the nursing homes, usually around Christmastime.  Character building, she said.  Traumatizing, I say.  I hated every minute of it.  They'd all hover around me and pet my head.  Now that I'm older, I think I can handle it better.  As long as they don't pet my head.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Today is my brudder's birthday.  I remember when he came home from the hospital.  It was a sad day.

Saturday, August 15, 2015


I stepped on a slug last night. It's just as bad as you might imagine.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Horseflies.  Why are there so many horseflies?  Is it the apocalypse already?